Членови на претседателство  (По азбучен редослед)

Зоран Јованчев

машински инженер

Вработен во приватна компанија како менаџер на продажба.

Donald Martin

Computer Science

Donald has a PHD in both Computer Science and Design. His beginner course is a must see for any aspiring web professional who want to learn from the best.

Gaby Williams

AI Expert

If there’s someone who can explain anything, Gaby is the one. She teaches you not just how to do something, but why to do it this way and not the other.

Зоран Јованчев

машински инженер

Вработен во приватна компанија како менаџер на продажба. Претседател за Здружението „МИР“. 

Donald Martin

Computer Science

Donald has a PHD in both Computer Science and Design. His beginner course is a must see for any aspiring web professional who want to learn from the best.

Gaby Williams

AI Expert

If there’s someone who can explain anything, Gaby is the one. She teaches you not just how to do something, but why to do it this way and not the other.

Зоран Јованчев

машински инженер

Вработен во приватна компанија како менаџер на продажба. Претседател за Здружението „МИР“. 

Donald Martin

Computer Science

Donald has a PHD in both Computer Science and Design. His beginner course is a must see for any aspiring web professional who want to learn from the best.

Gaby Williams

AI Expert

If there’s someone who can explain anything, Gaby is the one. She teaches you not just how to do something, but why to do it this way and not the other.