РОДИНА ги повика ЕУ и ОБСЕ на кои устите им се полни празни слогани за демократија, барем еднаш и во дело да се додржат до нив и да ги осудат незаконски и насилно организираните избори на нелегитимната Пржинска сдс/дпне коалиција. Бидејќи очекуваме овие претставници на глобалофашизмот како и секогаш да поздрават изборни кражби, национални предавства, поробување на сопствените народи од страна на нивните локални квислинзи и да се разголуваат самите и нивната дволичност и своите лажни “ЕУ вредности”, Родина Македонија за таа цел ги информира и Русија и Кина а и ќе продолжи да ги информира сите претставници на вистинската меѓународна заедница, за разлика од меЏународната на сдс/дпне од неколку нелегитимни бирократи во Брисел, исплукани од своите сопствени народи.

Dear all,

We are writing to inform you about the illegal and unconstitutional ban of participation in the elections of the legally registered political party, Rodina Macedonia, executed by the State Election Commission in Macedonia by rejecting its request (attachment 1).

On 9th of June SEC took the decision to ban the political party Rodina Macedonia from the forthcoming elections by rejecting its request to submit a list at the forthcoming elections that were supposed to be scheduled in accordance with the laws, and not as they were subsequently (on the 15th of June) announced for the 15th of July in a clear breach of the law that states elections must be held no earlier than 70 days and no later than 90 days of the announcement of the date

By doing so, the SEC infringed on the constitutional rights of the citizens of Macedonia and of the members of Rodina Macedonia to vote and be voted.

Furthermore, the SEC did not reply or inform Rodina Macedonia about its decision within the time frame required by the law. When representatives of the political party Rodina Macedonia came to inquire in the SEC the office they were only given verbal answer of exclusion from the elections stating that no written response will be made (attachment 2), which is in a clear breach of duties and responsibilities of the SEC for which Rodina will lodge an official administrative and legal appeal.

Rodina Macedonia and the citizens of Macedonia are demanding that the SEC returns back the election process within the legal and constitutional framework and to set a new day for the elections that will be in accordance with the law and will not be breaching legal and constitutional rights to vote of the Macedonian people and of the political parties representing them.

We hope you can raise this issue with all institutions that you work with and that you will reply back within 7 days, otherwise we will be forced to take this matter further including,legal actions as well as protesting against the illegitimate elections.


Со почит / Kind regards

Зоран Јованчев, генерален секретар

Политичка партија Родина Македонија Скопје

ул. Никола Парапунов бр. 3А/52, Скопје, Македонија




Zoran Jovanchev, General Secretary

Political Party Rodina Macedonia, Skopje

No 3A/52, Nikola Parapunov, Skopje, Macedonia


